Saturday, January 6, 2007

I Love Martinis

I was just reviewing my list of possible blog topics from yesterday and considering which of the thought provoking topics is most blog-worthy today. But then I realized that what I am really most passionate about at the moment is the tasty beverage that I am consuming as I write this post. I am drinking a dry Tito's vodka martini straight up and I love it.

Tito's vodka is made in Austin, Texas, not an area of the world normally associated with premium vodka. You have to taste Tito's to believe how good it is. When we moved to Austin two years ago I was strictly a Grey Goose (or maybe Absolute or Kettle One in an emergency) gal. I remember that the first time I tasted Tito's was at a comfort food restaurant called Hoover's here in Austin. I was waiting at the bar for some take out and got to talking to the bartender about vodka. He gave me a taste of Tito's and I was hooked. Tito's has a lovely flavor and smooth finish and I have been drinking Tito's ever since my first taste.

It's smooth, great tasting, and much less expensive than other premium brands. At least in Austin it is. I purchased some Tito's in Chicago and it was pretty much the same price as Stolichnaya or Absolute. If you are hankering for a martini I would recommend that you give Tito's a try. It's delicious and I plan on drinking at least two (well maybe three) of them tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want a martini too but every time I drink I beat my wife. Oh well, back to AA.