Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year Indeed!

My fabulous friend Liz started off 2007 very well . . . with a good hair day and a new post. I, on the other hand, was very lazy and didn't do my hair (didn't even shower for that matter) and didn't write a post.

My fabulous friend Liz has some wonderful advice in her Happy New Year post. I know I've mentioned that she started a successful business, and she helps so many people with career and life advice (ha, I just made her sound like a psychic, but she's more of a career coach). I will take my fabulous friend Liz's advice and write down some goals. I'll even share my first one here on the blog.

My first goal of 2007 (not necessarily the first thing I'll complete, but the first one I want to write down):

1. Write/Finish a children's book.

I'm not sure what I want to do with the book when I'm finished, but I do enjoy creating little monsters and silly characters and sending them away on adventures. Most of these creatures live in my head (I'm a little crazy) and I just need to commit their stories to paper.

I should probably consult my fabulous friend Liz (how many times have I said that in this post?) and the magic 8 ball, but right after those two things . . . I'm going to start writing my story.

Right now, I'm off to take a shower so that maybe I can have a good hair day too.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Awesome idea. I didn't know you wanted to write a Children's book. Maybe one of the monsters in your book could be "Nigel the Humping Cat"? Do you think that is an inappropriate theme for the little kiddies. haha.