Monday, February 19, 2007

My Hospitality Rider

The picture above is of Cameron Diaz without make-up - it has nothing to do with my post, but I thought since I was talking about celebrity wants - I would include a picture of a celebrity desperately wanting/needing some make-up.

I've always read about the bizarre green room/back stage/trailer requests from celebrities, so now that I'm a pufatufnik, I feel the need to make my own list of requests (actually demands) since it's only a matter of time before I'm invited to sing at the Grammys.

Stephanie's Hospitality Rider:

1. A computer with internet access - so that I can stay up to date with all Pufatufnik activities
2. Key Lime Pie - made by my fabulous friend Liz's fabulous husband, Jonathan
3. A masseuse - because all pufatufniks need to be pampered
4. A professional dog walker - for my worst dog of the year doggie
5. A police escort (to and from venue) - because I shouldn't have to wait in traffic
6. Flamin Hot Doritos & Mac N Cheese - for my fabulous friend Liz
7. Miller Lite - for my fabulous husband
8. A copy of the most recent edition of every trash magazine (people, usweekly, in touch, OK, etc.) - so that I can stay up to date on me
9. A bowl of blue peanut butter M&Ms and a bowl of red dark chocolate M&Ms - because they're yummy.
10. 5 Clean Cotton Candles from Yankee Candle - I'm sure the celebrity in the room before me was stinky . . . probably Paris.
11. Sonic tater tots - because they're yummy and compliment the M&Ms
12. Life cereal and skim milk - because it's yummy
13. Grey Goose Vodka - because everyone else seems to ask for it
14. Cristal champagne - because everyone else seems to ask for it
15. White tuna with lots of extra garlic sauce - because its yummy

Okay, well that's the start of my list. I bet my fabulous friend Liz can come up with a really good list for herself.


Liz said...

Great post. I love your thinking. You are absolutely right, I have a sort of ever-growing list of demands in my head. i will publish it later. Do you think I should include a trapeze in my list of demands or would that be "too diva"?


Steph said...

Live it up. I think you should include the trapeze, trampoline and live size Matthew McConaughey doll.